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In 1992, we founded a wood cutting company. We set up a band saw and started the production beams and slats from spruce and fir wood for customers from the Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

We provided customers with different lengths of beams because we harvested and collected wood from the forest on our own.

In 1996, due to the increased volume of work, we set up a “sawmill” and started the production of boards for Austrian customers who sold the sawn timber to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

In 2006, we bought a new bordering machine and a plot in the Podskrajnik industrial zone. We started investing in an office building.

In 2013, we set up a new band saw line from the German supplier EWD. The purchase of a new line enabled us to carry out orders faster, we became especially flexible in the production of various dimensions of boards, slats and square boards. At the moment, we are active mainly in the cutting of spruce and fir wood and in the future we also want to establish ourselves in the field of cutting deciduous trees.

In 2018, we became members of the SLOLES association.

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